Thursday, January 21, 2010

Suzuki Roshi quote

"To cook is not just to prepare food for someone or for yourself; it is to express your sincerity. So when you cook you should express yourself in your activity in the kitchen."

-Shunryu Suzuki
from Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind


Unknown said...

I stumbled upon your blog when looking for Suzuki Roshi quotes ... love the photo of the cat and mouse. mind if I share it with a friend?

Fellow foodie and retreat diva


Amy said...

I agree. Good cooking isnt just about the food we make or who we're making it for, it's expressing ourselves and how we feel through the food we make :)

Easy As a Menu said...

I just stumbled upon your blog and I can't wait to try some of these recipes - and menus! We have a similar approach to food, so this was a fun jaunt for me. Thanks for your blog!