Monday, April 6, 2009

Menu Plan Monday: Week of April 6

Please forgive my lack of posts lately, I've been a little busy. But, I am back and going to start a job later this week. Woo hoo! So for this week's menu I need to start planning for breakfasts and lunches at the new job. I'm still trying to keep a budget, so I really need to make my meals and take them in to work.

Breakfast: Eggs and toast
Lunch: Asian Dumplings and Baked Beans
Dinner: Mexican Lasagna'

Breakfast: Bagel & Veggie Cream Cheese
Lunch: Salad with Tuna
Dinner: Pasta Primavera

Breakfast: Breakfast Sandwich
Lunch: PB & J and Veggie Chips
Dinner: Mexican Lasagna

Breakfast: PB Toast
Lunch: Salad with Tuna
Dinner: Pasta Primavera

Breakfast: Oatmeal
Lunch: Vegetable Wrap - with zucchini, avocado, lettuce, carrots, cucumber and sprouts
Dinner: Mexican Lasagna


na said...

I love mexican lasagna!

jac. said...

Good luck with the new job! I think bringing your lunch with you to work is so satisfying and relaxing. Just to be able to sit down and have a piece of home with you makes me smile.

Awesome K said...

I see a theme...

Coco said...

Sounds great! I love vegetable wrap too.

I would love a recipe for Pasta Primavera.