Wednesday, May 6, 2009

They totally stole my idea!

I've been thinking lately that there are no good recipe searches on the internet, should you have a few ingredients and are looking for something to cook. Sure, you can search by category of meal or main ingredient. But what if you have several non-main ingredients? So, I thought maybe this was something that needed to be created.

I got an email from a friend whom I told about this, for a website already putting this great idea to use. Although I am a little bummed that someone beat me to it, I'm thrilled that it's available. And imagine my shock when I saw it on a website that I often visit. Turns out you can search recipes on the World's Healthiest Foods website in this manner.

It's great! You just click on the ingredients you want to use, as well as any you don't and specific nutrients you're looking for. Not too shabby, eh?

I'm pleased to see that this kind of recipe search exists. However, this is only on one website. Has anyone seen this on other websites?

1 comment:

The Fat Dietitian said...

Hmmmm... I know I've seen that on another site, but not just healthy recipes. How is life? :)