Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Food of the week: Mango

Food of the week: Mango

Looking back on the foods of the week to date, I’ve noticed the lack of fruit. I thought to myself, I need fruit! I’ve always been more of a vegetable kind of gal, but I’m trying to open myself up to more fruits. And the very first fruit of the week is…duh, duh, duh, duh…the Mango!

Tropical, colorful, and sweet, the mango has it all. Ooh, la, la, it’s exotic!


Ways to eat mangos:

  • I must admit, I’m new to the mango. I don’t have too many ideas (most are things I’ve had at restaurants and haven’t made at home). If you know of any good recipes, please let me know!

  • My friend Elizabeth made this killer mango salsa! I don’t remember what all was in it, probably tomatoes, green onions and some other things. There are plenty of mango salsa recipes available online, but maybe I can get Elizabeth to share her recipe with me…

  • Mango chicken stir fry! Yummy!
  • I used to have this mango-strawberry sorbet at Tsampa, one of my fave NYC restaurants. They stopped serving it though – boo!
  • Mango Lassi’s are a lovely Indian treat. It basically contains yogurt, mango and sugar, but there are many variations online. Here’s an example.
  • I tried to come up with my own creation the other night – green beans, mangos, red onions and red wine vinegar. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t great. I’m convinced that I can play around with it and make it a bit more superb. If anyone has any ideas…

In case you were wondering:

Little known facts:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i was so excited to see someone blog about mangoes! after living with a family in senegal who had a mango farm, it was had to come back to the u.s. and eat mangoes that weren't right off the tree. that being said, my friend and i love making salads with mesculin greens, bell pepper, tomatoes, cheddar cheese, black beans, mango and some kind of sweet dressing like a maple balsamic. DELICIOUS - the mango-black bean combination is fantastic and i highly recommend it!