Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Menu Plan Monday...er...Tuesday: Week of June 15, 2009

I really meant to post this last night. But sometimes it seems like I just don't have enough time in the day. After my workout I HAD to watch the second half of The Reader (I feel asleep watching it the night before. It's what I do - falling asleep during movies. No matter how good.) It's a good thing though, to write this post after a few days into the week, to see how much I have diverted from the menu. It happens. Chaos is a part of life, and no matter how hard I seem to try, I cannot avoid the changes (okay, sometimes I try harder than others :). Essentially, I eat all of the meals on the list, but not always when I plan to.

So here's the plan for week. Monday and Tuesday are truly accurate. The rest is variable.

Breakfast: Yogurt and Almonds
Lunch: PB & J Sandwich and Salsa Sun Chips (they taste a little like Doritos, but better!)
Dinner: Sushi leftover from Sunday's dinner - I made Tuna/Avocado and Avocado Rolls

Breakfast: Blueberry Waffle with Peanut Butter
Lunch: Salad with Tuna and Avocado
Dinner: Burrito

Breakfast: Yogurt & Banana
Lunch: Burrito
Dinner: PB & J Sandwich

Breakfast: Cereal
Lunch: PB & J Sandwich
Dinner: Pasta with Zucchini, Onion and Garlic

Breakfast: Yogurt
Lunch: Egg Salad Sandwich
Dinner: Out with friends

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