Monday, June 1, 2009

Menu Planning Monday: Week of June 1, 2009

It's June, which means it's almost officially summer! It's already been feeling like summer here in NYC. The last two weekends were warm and sunny. It was great! Luckily the rain has kept mostly to the week days. Summer also means lots of great seasonal food. I'm trying to incorporate it more into my meals. Some days are better than others. Here's my menu for this week.

Breakfast: Yogurt
Lunch: Chicken and Avocado Sandwich
Dinner: Pasta with Meatballs

Breakfast: Luna Bar
Lunch: Leftover Pasta
Dinner: Tuna Salad with Beets and Garbanzo Beans

Breakfast: Yogurt
Lunch: PB&J
Dinner: Egg Salad Sammie

Breakfast: Hot Cereal with Bananas and Strawberries
Lunch: Egg Salad Sammie
Dinner: Burrito

Breakfast: Breakfast Sandwich
Lunch: Burrito
Dinner: Stir Fry (broccoli, peas, zucchini, cabbage, and carrots) with Peanut Sauce


The Fat Dietitian said...

I love you menu... unfortunately my husband would stomp his feet and throw a temper tantrum without meat at darn near every meal! Uggh, men... :)

The Road Less Traveled said...

A lot of people feel that way. I like not having it in every meal. It tends to give my diet more variety.