Monday, January 5, 2009

Menu Plan Monday: Week of January 5, 2009

My apologies for the severe shortage of posts over the past few weeks. The holidays were exhausting and I needed a few days to recover. Happy 2009 everyone! I hope the new year has been good to you so far.

For this week's menu I plan to continue my broke college student theme. This is my first official week of unemployment so the money is super tight. Watch for some budget friendly recipes in the coming weeks. As you'll see here, I have some wonderful family and friends who have helped me out with meals already. I feel so loved! Here is my plan for this week:

Breakfast: Cereal
Lunch: Left over Mexican Lasagna (my mom sent me home with lots of this, which has been great since it has served as several lunches for me since I got back)
Dinner: Left over pasta with sun-dried tomato, peas, onion and pine nuts (my friend Elizabeth came over and *helped* me make dinner last night - and by helped I mean cooked)

Breakfast: Egg whites and hot cereal
Lunch: PB and J with Sweet Potato and Beet chips
Dinner: Mac & Cheese

Breakfast: Omelet
Lunch: Left over Mexican Lasagna
Dinner: Salad with Tuna and Beets

Breakfast: Cereal
Lunch: PB and J
Dinner: Leftover Pasta

Breakfast: Scrambeled Eggs
Lunch: Chili Lime ramen-like Thai noodles
Dinner: Salad

I promise to bring more of the posting and less of the lameness! Be back soon...


The Fat Dietitian said...

Monday's pasta sounds divine!

The Road Less Traveled said...

It is! I have some friends who can just throw together a few ingredients and make the best meal.